The factory audit process

The factory audit process generally includes the following steps:

1.Preparatory work: First of all, it is necessary to clarify the purpose, scope and standard of the factory inspection, determine the specific date and location of the factory inspection, and prepare corresponding materials and personnel.

2.On-site inspection: After the factory inspection personnel arrive at the site, they must conduct on-site inspections to understand the plant structure, equipment, process flow, employee conditions, production environment, etc., and communicate with the factory management personnel.


3.Record data: During the on-site inspection, relevant data and information should be recorded, such as plant area, number of employees, salary levels, working hours, etc., to evaluate whether the manufacturer meets the standards of social responsibility.


4.Document evaluation: Check various documents and certificates provided by the manufacturer, such as employee files, salary slips, insurance policies, etc., to ensure that they are legal and valid.

5. Summary report: factory audit personnel write a factory audit report based on the inspection and evaluation results to let manufacturers understand their performance in terms of social responsibility and put forward suggestions for improvement. At the same time, the factory audit report also provides customers with important information to help them make correct decisions.

6. Track improvement: If the manufacturer fails the factory inspection, they need to make improvements, and the inspectors should continue to track the manufacturer's improvement. If the improvement is recognized, the manufacturer will be awarded the qualification certification of "passing the factory audit".


Post time: Jun-15-2023

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