Export to Russia and other countries EAC certification


EAC certification refers to the Eurasian Economic Union certification, which is a certification standard for products sold in the markets of Eurasian countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

To obtain EAC certification, products need to comply with relevant technical regulations and standards to ensure that the products meet quality and safety requirements in the markets of the above countries.Obtaining EAC certification will help products successfully enter the European and Asian markets and improve the competitiveness and credibility of products.

The scope of EAC certification covers a variety of products, including mechanical equipment, electronic equipment, food, chemical products, etc. Obtaining EAC certification requires product testing, application for certification documents, development of technical documents and other procedures.

Obtaining EAC certification typically requires following the following steps:

Determine product scope: Determine the scope and categories of products you need to certify, as different products may need to follow different certification processes.

Prepare technical documents: Prepare technical documents that meet EAC certification requirements, including product specifications, safety requirements, design documents, etc.

Conduct relevant tests: Conduct necessary tests and evaluations on products in accredited laboratories that comply with EAC certification to ensure that products comply with relevant technical specifications and safety standards.

Apply for certification documents: Submit application documents to the certification body and wait for review and approval.

Perform factory inspections (if required): Some products may require factory inspections to verify that the production process meets specification requirements.

Obtain certification: Once the certification body confirms that the product meets the requirements, you will receive EAC certification.


EAC Certificate (EAC COC)

The EAC Certificate of Conformity (EAC COC) of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an official certificate certifying that a product complies with the harmonized technical regulations of the EAEU Eurasian Union member states. Obtaining the Eurasian Economic Union EAC certificate means that products can be freely circulated and sold throughout the customs union area of ​​the Eurasian Economic Union member states.

Note: EAEU member states: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

EAC Declaration of Conformity (EAC DOC)

The EAC declaration of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is the official certification that a product complies with the minimum requirements of the EAEU technical regulations.  The EAC declaration is issued by the manufacturer, importer or authorized representative and registered in the official government registration system server. Products that have obtained an EAC declaration have the right to circulate and sell freely within the entire customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union member states.

What are the main differences between EAC Declaration of Conformity and EAC Certificate?

 ▶Products have different degrees of danger: EAC certificates are suitable for high-risk products, such as children’s products and electronic products; products that pose little risk to customers’ health but may have an impact require a declaration. For example, fertilizer and repellent product testing checks for:

 ▶ Differences in the division of responsibility for test results, unreliable data and other violations: in the case of an EAC certificate, the responsibility is shared by the certification body and the applicant; in the case of an EAC declaration of conformity, the responsibility lies only with the declarant (i.e. the seller).

▶ The issuance form and process are different: EAC certificates can only be issued after a quality assessment of the manufacturer, which must be carried out by a certification body recognized by one of the Eurasian Economic Union member states.  The EAC certificate is printed on an official certificate paper form, which has several anti-counterfeiting elements and is authenticated by the signature and seal of the accredited body.  EAC certificates are usually issued to “higher risk and more complex” products that require extensive control by authorities.

The EAC declaration is issued by the manufacturer or importer themselves. All necessary testing and analysis are also performed by the manufacturer or in some cases by the laboratory. The applicant signs the EAC declaration himself on a piece of ordinary A4 paper.  The EAC declaration must be listed in the EAEU’s Unified Government Server Registration System by a recognized certification body in one of the EAEU member states.

Post time: Dec-15-2023

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